We are proud to present “Tattwa Skrying Temple,” our first collaboration with visionary artist Pilar Zeta, whose work seamlessly fuses ancient wisdom with modern artistry.

For Pilar, creating temples has been a profoundly meaningful and transformative journey. Temples, in her view, serve as profound vessels of meditation, offering a gateway to connect with something greater than ourselves. Over a decade ago, her exploration led her to a concept that would become her enduring passion: “Tattwas.”
“The Tattwa symbols unlock the universal energies that shape our existence, each holding its unique power and purpose.”

Pilar Zeta’s fascination with the Tattwas led her to embark on a creative journey over a decade ago when she crafted her own interpretation of a digital Tattwas temple. She chose a different path to expedite the process, and the result is a hyper-realistic aubusson style tapestry woven in premium New Zealand wool.
“Thank you, Odabashian, for helping me manifest this piece!“
“Tattwa Skrying Temple” now graces at her studio home, serving as a daily reminder of her spiritual journey and offering a tangible, organic connection to a concept once confined to her imagination and the digital realm.